Another amazing poem Linda. I can so relate. And am sharing this. Thank you and you are LOVED. And if anyone calls me a Warrior again, I feel like slapping them. And FUCK FUCKER FUCK were my first words kicking the party bottles, cans, ashtrays around when we lived out at Ocean Beach in the City. Of course I also said NO. Loneliness......I'm 65 years old. And this is the first time I have felt so lonely. I miss my family and most are all gone to Nirvana.

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Jan 21Liked by Linda Wolf

Responses: If there is such a thing ~ You’ve come full circle Linda ⭕️! In other words, you’ve come to love yourself, like we all deserve Linda… You’ve gone to battle with your inner self, and came out on top… We’ve really have made the most of you time, at least I think so, and I’m guessing you enjoyed much about those experiences too! We all have demons of sorts, and you have conquered yours, and are the better for having done so 👏🏻‼️ Life is full of challenges and obstacles that have a lot to say as to where we end up down the road ~ The rewards are never ending when we open our eyes to our heart and soul🌹🌅❣️

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